
Fujinomori House


Featuring Brooklyn style decoration. 2 min walk from Sumizome Sta..
Type: Share House, Private room
People: 1-11




Cleanliness: 8.4

Comfort: 8.5

Facilities: 8.8

Location: 8.7

Floor Map&Photo

Here are pictures of guest rooms and common areas. To see another room, switch tabs (eg: #1 → Common area). Click/tap the arrow (< or >) to see the next photo.

You can see pictures of guest rooms and common areas.

  • Switch tabs to see another room (eg: #1 → Common area). Swipe the photo to see the next photo.

  • Switch tabs to see another room (eg: #1 → Common area). Swipe the photo to see the next photo.

  • Switch tabs to see another room (eg: #1 → Common area). Swipe the photo to see the next photo.

  • Switch tabs to see another room (eg: #1 → Common area). Swipe the photo to see the next photo.


Most popular facilities
Rental cycle for free
Smoking: Indoor smoking room available
Free WiFi


Click/tap a category to open the accordion
  • Popular areas
  • Railway&Subway Station
  • University&Language School
  • Convenience Stores&Markets


If the total utility cost (gas, water and electricity) exceeds 8000 yen / month, you will be required to pay the excess amount.
Do you know when the rent start?

click to see image click to read message
Img RN RT/Sz/Bd MR (¥) CT Status Form
Img RN RT/Sz/Bd MR (¥) CT Status Form
#APrivate room/13.6m2/Bed62000China Not available
#BPrivate room/10.8m2/Bed59000Germany Available from 13 Dec 2024ReservationVisit
#CPrivate room/11.5m2/Bed60000Russian_Federation Not available
#DPrivate room/10.2m2/Bed62000Germany Available from 20 Sep 2024ReservationVisit
#EPrivate room/10.3m2/Bed62000Available nowReservationVisit
#FPrivate room/9.1m2/Bed60000Available nowReservationVisit
#GPrivate room/12.3m2/Bed62000Available nowReservationVisit
#HPrivate room/18.3m2/Bed67000
Available nowReservationVisit
#IPrivate room/17.7m2/Bed59000Available nowReservationVisit
#JPrivate room/13.1m2/Bed60000Japan Not available


If the total utility cost (gas, water and electricity) exceeds 8000 yen / month, you will be required to pay the excess amount.
Do you know when the rent start?

tap image to enlarge
tap to read message


Private room/13.6m2/Bed

current tenant: China
monthly rent(¥): 62000
status: Not available


Private room/10.8m2/Bed

current tenant: Germany
monthly rent(¥): 59000
status: Available from 13 Dec 2024


Private room/11.5m2/Bed

current tenant: Russian_Federation
monthly rent(¥): 60000
status: Not available


Private room/10.2m2/Bed

current tenant: Germany
monthly rent(¥): 62000
status: Available from 20 Sep 2024


Private room/10.3m2/Bed

current tenant:
monthly rent(¥): 62000
status: Available now


Private room/9.1m2/Bed

current tenant:
monthly rent(¥): 60000
status: Available now


Private room/12.3m2/Bed

current tenant:
monthly rent(¥): 62000
status: Available now


Private room/18.3m2/Bed

current tenant:
monthly rent(¥): 67000

status: Available now


Private room/17.7m2/Bed

current tenant:
monthly rent(¥): 59000
status: Available now


Private room/13.1m2/Bed

current tenant: Japan
monthly rent(¥): 60000
status: Not available